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Published Papers

Does Competition Increase Pass-Through? Ritz, R.RAND Journal of Economics (2024)
Resource Allocation, Computational Complexity, and Market Design Bossaerts, P., Bowman, E., Fattinger, F., Huang, H., Lee, M., Murawski, C., Suthakar, A., Tang, S. and Yadav, N.Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2024)
Contacts, Altruism and Competing Externalities Toxvaerd, F.M.O.European Economic Review (2024)
Clubs and Networks Ding, S., Dziubinski, M. and Goyal, S.Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming (2024)
Gender and Collaboration Ductor, L., Goyal, S. and Prummer, A. Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 105(6) (2023) (2023)
Efficiency and Equilibrium in Network Games: An Experiment Gallo, E. and Yan, C.Review of Economics and Statistics (2023)
Social distancing in networks: A web-based interactive experiment Gallo, E., Barak, D. and Langtry, A.Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2023)
From Theory to Practice: Determining Emissions in Traded Goods Under a Border Carbon Adjustment Mehling, M. A. and Ritz, R.Oxford Review of Economic Policy (2023)
Capability Accumulation and Conglomeratization in the Information Age Chen, J., Elliott, M. and Koh, A. Journal of Economic Theory (2023)
Economic Factors Underlying Biodiversity Loss Dasgupta, P. and Levin, S.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2023)
Brokerage Rents and Intermediation Networks Choi, S., Goyal, S. and Moisan, F. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2023)
Not so smart? “Smart” drugs increase the level but decrease the quality of cognitive effort Bowman, E., Coghill, D., Murawski, C. and Bossaerts, P.Science Advances (2023)
Learning by Choosing: Career Concerns with Observable Actions Ke, T. T., Li, C. and Safronov, M.American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2023)
Deciding When to Decide: Collective Deliberation and Obstruction Anesi, V. and Safronov, M.International Economic Review (2023)
Supply Network Formation and Fragility Elliott, M., Golub, B. and Leduc, M. V. American Economic Review (2022)
Cooperation and Punishment Mechanisms in Uncertain and Dynamic Social Networks Gallo, E., Riyanto, Y. E., Roy, N. and Teh, T-HGames and Economic Behavior (2022)
Challenges of Integrating Economics into Epidemiological Analysis of and Policy Responses to Emerging Infectious Diseases Dangerfield, C., Fenichel, E. P., Finnoff, D., Hanley, N., Heape, S. H., Shogren, J. F. and Toxvaerd, F. Epidemics, forthcoming (2022)
On the Management of Population Immunity Toxvaerd, F.M.O. and Rowthorn, R. Journal of Economic Theory (2022)
Rather Doomed than Uncertain: Risk Attitudes and Transmissive Behavior Under Asymptomatic Infection Matthies, K. and Toxvaerd, F.M.O. Economic Theory, accepted (2022)
Experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan leads to a lasting increase in social distancing Barak, D., Gallo, E., Rong, K., Tang, K. and Du, W.Scientific Reports (2022)
Linking Executive Compensation to Climate Performance Ritz, R.California Management Review (2022)
Global Carbon Price Asymmetry Ritz, R.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2022)
The Dasgupta Review: Supplementary Notes on Investment in Conservation and Restoration, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health Dasgupta, P.National Institute Economic Review (2021)
Commitment and (in) Efficiency: A Bargaining Experiment Agranov, M. and Elliott, M.Journal of the European Economic Association (2021)
The Strategy of Conquest Dziubinski, M., Goyal, S. and Minarsch, D. E. N.Journal of Economic Theory (2021)
Investments in Social Ties, Risk Sharing, and Inequality Ambrus, A. and Elliott, M.Review of Economic Studies (2021)
Systemic Risk Shifting in Financial Networks Elliott, M., Georg, C-P. and Hazell, J.Journal of Economic Theory (2021)
Population, Ecological Footprint, and the Sustainable Development Goals Dasgupta, P., Dasgupta, A. and Barrett, S.Environment and Resource Economics, forthcoming (2021)
Border Carbon Adjustments and Industrial Competitiveness in a European Green Deal Evans, S., Mehling, M. A., Ritz, R. and Sammon, P.Climate Policy (2021)
Targeting Interventions in Networks Galeotti, A., Golub, B. and Goyal, S.Econometrica (2020)
Communication Networks in Markets Gallo, E.European Economic Review (2020)
Integration and Diversity Goyal, S., Hernández, P., Martínez-Cánovasz, G., Moisan, F., Muñoz-Herrera, M. and Sánchez, A.Experimental Economics (2020)
Which Early Withdrawal Penalty Attracts the Most Deposits to a Commitment Savings Account? Beshears, J., Choi, J. J., Harris, C., Laibson, D., Madri, B. C. and Sakong, J.Journal of Public Economics (2020)
Strategy-Proofness, Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives, and Majority Rule Dasgupta, P. and Maskin, E.American Economic Review: Insights (2020)
Optimal Capacity Mechanisms for Competitive Electricity Markets Holmberg, P. and Ritz, R.The Energy Journal (2020)
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Microeconomic Theory Research Group

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Recent Publications

Ding, S., Dziubinski, M. and Goyal, S. Clubs and Networks Games and Economic Behavior, forthcoming [2024]

Gallo, E. and Yan, C. Efficiency and Equilibrium in Network Games: An Experiment Review of Economics and Statistics [2023]

Mehling, M. A. and Ritz, R. From Theory to Practice: Determining Emissions in Traded Goods Under a Border Carbon Adjustment Oxford Review of Economic Policy [2023]

Selected CWPE


Corporate Culture and Organizational Fragility, Elliott, M., Golub, B., Leduc, M. V.


Carbon pricing and industrial competitiveness: Border adjustment or free allocation?, Ritz, R.


A Capability Approach to Merger Review, Boa, I., Elliott, M., Foster, D.