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Research Interests

Macroeconomics; Networks in Economics; Applied Econometrics


Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago (2008); European Research Council Starting Grant (2013) for the project MacroNets, Production Networks in Macroeconomics.

Recent Publications

Published Papers

Pichler, A., Diem, C., Brintrup, A., Lafond, F., Magerman, G., Buiren, G., Choi, T., Carvalho, V. M., Farmer, J. and Thurner, S. Building an Alliance to Map Global Supply Networks, Science vol 382(6668) (2023) pp. 270-272
McNerney, J., Savoie, C., Caravelli, F., Carvalho, V. M., Farmer, J. D. How production networks amplify economic growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol 119 no. 1 (2022)
Carvalho, V. M., Garcia, J. R., Hansen, S., Ortiz, A., Rodrigo, T., Rodríguez Mora, J. V. and Ruiz, P. Tracking the COVID-19 Crisis with High-Resolution Transaction Data, Royal Society Open Science vol 8(8) (2021)
Carvalho, V. M., Nirei, M., Saito, Y. U. and Tahbaz-Salehi, A. Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake, Quarterly Journal of Economics vol 136(2) no. qjaa044 (2021) pp. 1255-1321
Carvalho, V. M. and Tahbaz-Salehi, A. Production Networks: A Primer, Annual Review of Economics vol 11 (2019) pp. 635-663

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Buda, G., Carvalho, V. M., Corsetti, G., Duarte, J. B., Hansen, S., Moura, A. S., Ortiz, A., Rodrigo, T., Rodríguez Mora, J. V., Alves da Silva, G. Short and Variable Lags, (2023) CWPE2321
Buda, G., Carvalho, V. M., Hansen, S., Mora, J. V. R., Ortiz, Á., Rodrigo, T. National Accounts in a World of Naturally Occurring Data: A Proof of Concept for Consumption, (2022) CWPE2244
McNerney, J., Savoie, C., Caravelli, F., Carvalho, V. M., Farmer, J. D. How production networks amplify economic growth, (2021) CWPE2183
Burstein, A., Carvalho, V. M. and Grassi, B. Bottom-up Markup Fluctuations, (2020) CWPE2096
Carvalho, V. M., Garcia, J. R., Hansen, S., Ortiz, Á., Rodrigo, T., Rodríguez Mora, J. V. and Ruiz, J. Tracking the COVID-19 Crisis with High-Resolution Transaction Data, (2020) CWPE2030

Recent Activities

Professor Carvalho to join EEA
Director of the Janeway Institute, Professor Vasco Carvalho has joined the European Economic Association Council for a term of five years.
Published on - Monday 27th November 2023

Building an alliance to map global supply networks
A new academic paper co-authored by the Faculty’s Professor of Macroeconomics and Director of the Janeway Institute, Vasco Carvalho has been published by Science Magazine, and suggests that new firm-level data can inform policy-making.
Published on - Tuesday 24th October 2023

Sloan Foundation awards Economics a grant for meso-economics
The co-principal Investigators Professor Vasco Carvalho, and Professor Matthew Elliott, have been awarded a grant of a quarter of a million US dollars by the Sloan Foundation to bring towards the mainstream of economics a branch of research on meso-economics.
Published on - Thursday 14th September 2023

Monetary policy also has short-run effects
Professor Vasco Carvalho is a co-author of a paper published in VoxEU, which examines the short-term effects of changes to monetary tightening, and finds it does have notable impacts in the short term.
Published on - Friday 21st April 2023

National accounts in a world of naturally occurring data
Prof. Vasco Carvalho has been featured in the magazine for the Stone Centre which advances research and teaching to provide a clear understanding of the causes of wealth inequality, and its economic and political consequences.
Published on - Tuesday 17th January 2023

Research Grants

Leverhlume Trust Prize (Leverhulme Trust)
Turing Fellow Award: Funding award for Turing-HSBC Programme (Alan Turing Institute)
Production Networks In Macroeconomics (MACRONETS) (European Commission (FP7))
Cambridge-INET Institute (C-INET) (Institute for New Economic Thinking)

The Janeway Institute for Economics

Director of the Janeway Institute

COVID-19 Economic Research

Special Features: The COVID-19 Crisis Through the Lens of 1.4 Billion Transactions
Supply Chain Bottlenecks in a Pandemic


PIIB Paper 2 - Lent - Business Cycle Theory
PhD20 - Firms and Sectors in the Macroeconomy

PhD Students


Lukas Freund
Lukas Freund
PhD Title:
Research: Primary: Macroeconomics
Secondary: Labor, Firm Dynamics, Inequality, Productivity
Diogo Salgado Baptista
Diogo Salgado Baptista
PhD Title:
Research: Trade, Climate, Spatial Economics
Deniz Atalar
Deniz Atalar
PhD Title:
Research: Inter-Sectoral Trade Linkages in Aggregate Fluctuation
Charles Parry
Charles Parry
PhD Title:
Research: Product Market Developments and Monetary Policy
Naoki Yago
Naoki Yago
PhD Title:
Research: Macroeconomics, International Macro and Finance, Monetary Economics, and Macro-Finance
Mathis Momm
Mathis Momm
PhD Title:
Research: Macroeconomics and Networks.
Ye Sun
Ye Sun
PhD Title:
Research: Firm Dynamics, Production Network, International Trade
Bowen Wang
Bowen Wang
PhD Title:
Research: Production Network and Macroeconomic Theory


Shane Mahen
Shane Mahen
PhD Title:
Research: Networks and Supply Chains
Razan Amine
Razan Amine
PhD Title:
Research: Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics, Firms, Labor

Prof. Vasco Carvalho

Vasco Carvalho

Professor of Macroeconomics
Director of the Janeway Institute

Research Group:

CV: Curriculum Vitae

Personal Site:

Contact Details
Room: 30