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Faculty of Economics

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Dr Toke Aidt
Reader in Economics
Director of the Keynes Fund

Research Interests
Political Economics

Dr Noriko Amano-Patiño
University Assistant Professor

Research Interests
Analyzing Inequalities Across Racial, Gender, and Hierarchical Groups

Dr Yujiang River Chen
Affiliated Lecturer

Research Interests
Labour Economics, Urban Economics and Micro-Econometrics

Professor Meredith Crowley
Professor of Economics
Research Fellow, CEPR (London)

Research Interests
International trade and trade policy

Professor Eric French
Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations and Labour Economics

Research Interests
Labor, Public Finance, Health, Applied Econometrics

Dr Pauline Goyal-Rutsaert
College Teaching Officer (Homerton College)

Research Interests
Industrial, Competition, and Regulatory Policy; Research and Innovation Policy; Communications Sector; Better Policymaking; Strategic Trade Policy

Dr Juliana Guimaraes Cavalcanti
College Lecturer in Economics (Homerton College)

Research Interests
Income Inequality, Gender Wage Discrimination,Students Performance, Quantile Regression

Dr Joris Hoste
Research Associate

Research Interests
International Trade, International Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization

Professor Sriya Iyer
Professor of Economics and Social Science

Research Interests
Development Economics, Religion, Demography, Education

Dr Kai Liu
University Associate Professor

Research Interests
Labor Economics, Public Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Economics of China

Professor David Newbery
Emeritus Professor and
Director of The Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG)

Research Interests
Electricity policy research, specifically market design and behaviour, transmission access pricing, renewables support mechanisms and climate change policy

Professor Christopher Rauh
Professor of Economics and Data Science

Research Interests
Labour Economics, Political Economy

Dr Gabriella Santangelo
University Associate Professor

Research Interests
Development Economics

Dr Julia Shvets
College Associate Professor (Christ's College)

Research Interests
Empirical micro, behavioural economics, organizations, political economy

Dr Weilong Zhang
University Associate Professor

Research Interests
Labor Economics, Education Economics, Family Economics, Psychology Economics

Shengjuan He

Title: Flexible working, commuting cost and female labour market outcomes

Ganesh Karapakula

Research Interests
Applied Econometrics

Ana Lleo-Bono

Research Interests
Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Vivek Roy-Chowdhury

Research Interests
Applied microeconomics; behavioural economics


Research Grants

  • Economic Policy and Political Myopia (ESRC) - Aidt, T
  • Voting Rights And Public Policy (ESRC) - Aidt, T. S.
  • International dimension of political regime dynamics (ESRC) - Aidt, T. S.
  • Riots And The Great Reform Act Of 1832 (BRITISH ACADEMY) - Aidt, T
  • Democratic purges in post-World War II France: Was it all about separating the wheat from the chaff? (BRITISH ACADEMY) - Aidt, T
  • Data Impact Fellow (JISC) (Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)) - Crowley, M.
  • The impact of trade policy and exchange rate shocks on trade (ESRC) - Crowley, M.
  • UK in a Changing Europe Fellowship (ESRC) - Crowley, M.
  • Social Consequences of Religion Initiative Strand on Religion and Economic Development (Templeton Religion Trust) - Iyer, S.
  • Innovation And The Resilience Of Religion (METANEXUS INSTITUTE ON RELIGION AND SCIENCE) - Iyer, S.
  • Modernizing The Madrasa In India (ISAAC NEWTON TRUST) - Iyer, S.
  • The Next RES Research Initiative: Expanding the Advancements Made in the Economic Study of Religion and Religious Markets (CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY (FB JOHN TEMPLETON FND)) - Iyer, S.
  • Endogenous Network Formation And Informal Networks In Village Economies (NUFFIELD FOUNDATION) - Krishnan, P.
  • Endogenous Network Formation And Informal Networks In Village Economies (ESRC) - Krishnan, P.
  • Aspirations And Poverty Traps: Investigating The Impact Of Interventions On Youth In The Slums Of Bombay (NUFFIELD FOUNDATION) - Krishnan, P.
  • Family Instability, Child Development and Family Policy: Theory and Evidence from an Economic Model (BRITISH ACADEMY) - Liu, K.
  • Organisation, Competition And Regulation In The British Railway Industry (ESRC) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Road Pricing And Urban Congestion Costs (ESRC) - Newbery, D. M.
  • The Internet And Price Competition In Retail Markets Within The EU (EPSRC) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Efficient And Sustainable Regulation And Competition In Network Industries (ESRC) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Promoting Innovation And Productivity In Electricity Markets (CAMBRIDGE MIT (rsd use only)) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Price Comparison Sites And Competition: The Internet Connectivity Market (ISAAC NEWTON TRUST) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Specific Support Action: Sessa (Sustainable Specific Support Assessment) (EC FP6 OTHER) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Electricity Policy Forum (CAMBRIDGE MIT (rsd use only)) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Cessa - Coordinating Energy Security Of Supply Actions (EC FW6 CA) - Newbery, D. M.
  • British Academy Small Grant Bid - Karsten Neuhoff (BRITISH ACADEMY) - Newbery, D. M.
  • The Electricity Policy Research Group (ESRC) - Newbery, D. M.
  • Risk Attitude and Portfolio Choice: An Intra-household Perspective (BRITISH ACADEMY) - Zhang, W.

Keynes Fund Sponsored Projects

  • Political Representation, Market Failure and Public Policy: A Long-run Study of the United Kingdom (JHOA) - Aidt, T., Winer, S. L. and Zhang, P. Project Summary and Output
  • Market Failures and State Successes in Public Health and Highways 1830-1912 (JHOM) - Aidt, T., Shaw-Taylor, L. and Davenport, R. Project Summary and Output
  • The Political Economy of Forest Loss (JHWC) - Aidt, T., Cavalcanti, T. and Rauh, C. Project Summary and Output
  • The Effect of Affirmative Action on Workers’ Outcomes (JHUY) - Amano-Patiño, N., Aramburu, J. and Contractor, Z. Project Summary and Output
  • Covid-19 and Academic Productivity in Economic Research (JHVS) - Amano-Patiño, N., Faraglia, E. and Giannitsarou, C. Project Summary and Output
  • The Impact of Qualitative Reviews in Online Markets: An Experiment on Racial Statistical Discrimination (JHWA) - Amano-Patiño, N. and Morris, J. Project Summary and Output
  • Nutritional Inequality: The Role of Prices, Income, and Preferences in Censored Data (JHXE) - Amano-Patiño, N.
  • Adapting to Brexit: Foreign Subsidiaries and UK-EU Trade (JHVX) - Crowley, M., Faraglia, E. and Giannitsarou, C. Project Summary and Output
  • Understanding Brexit: Trade Costs and Multinational Adaptation (JHWI) - Crowley, M. and Hoste, J. Project Summary and Output
  • What are the Drivers of the Intergenerational Transmission of Inequality? (JHVA) - French, E. Project Summary and Output
  • How Important are Religious Organisations as Insurance? (JHOT) - Iyer, S., Cavalcanti, T. V. D. and Rauh, C. Project Summary and Output
  • Religion and Covid-19 (JHUW) - Iyer, S., Bahal, G. and Shrivastava, A. Project Summary and Output
  • Evaluating Economic, Religious and Environmental Message Frames on Climate Spending in India using Large Language Models (JHWY) - Iyer, S. and Debnath, R.
  • Risk and Return in Human Capital Investments (JHOJ) - Liu, K. Project Summary and Output
  • Wage Dynamics and Post-Schooling Human Capital Accumulation (JHUE) - Liu, K. Project Summary and Output
  • The Impact of Automation and Fears of Job Displacement on Political Preferences (JHUQ) - Rauh, C. Project Summary and Output
  • The Economic Consequences of Conflict Risk (JHVO) - Rauh, C. and Mueller, H. Project Summary and Output
  • Confidence vs Competence: Understanding the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy (JHWF) - Rauh, C. Project Summary and Output
  • Understanding Differences in Performance of Managers (JHLX) - Shvets, J., Huffman, D. and Raymond, C. B. Project Summary and Output
  • Private Provision of Public Goods and Group Dynamics: The Case of COVID-19 Asymptomatic Testing (JHVE) - Shvets, J. and Aidt, T. Project Summary and Output
  • Who Wears the Pants? Household Risk Attitudes and Intra-Household Financial Decision-Making (JHUN) - Zhang, W. Project Summary and Output
  • Second-Hand Tax: The Impact of Tobacco Tax on Intra-Household Consumption Allocation (JHXD) - Zhang, W. and Yang, X.
  • Collaborative Behaviour to Reduce Inequalities: An Experimental Study (JHVV) - Lleo-Bono, A. Project Summary and Output
  • Incentives and Productivity: A Field RCT with an Agricultural Firm (JHWL) - Lleo-Bono, A. Project Summary and Output
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Published Papers

Colicev, A., Hoste, J. and Konings, J. The Impact of a Large Depreciation on the Cost of Living of Rich and Poor Consumers, International Economic Review, accepted (2024)
Mueller, H., Rauh, C. and Seimon, B. Introducing a Global Dataset on Conflict Forecasts and News Topics, Data & Policy (2024)
Fetzer, T., Rauh, C. and Schreiner, C. The Hidden Toll of the Pandemic: Excess Mortality in non-COVID-19 Hospital Patients, Journal of Health Economics, accepted (2024)
Diakonova, M., Molina, L., Mueller, H., Pérez, J. J. and Rauh, C. The Information Content of Conflict, Social Unrest and Policy Uncertainty Measures for Macroeconomic Forecasting, Latin American Journal of Central Banking (2024)
Mueller, H. and Rauh, C. Building Bridges to Peace: A Quantitative Evaluation of Power-Sharing Agreements, Economic Policy, accepted (2024)
Rauh, C. and Valladares-Esteban, A. On the Black-White Gaps in Labor Supply and Earnings over the Lifecycle in the US, Review of Economic Dynamics (2023)
Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M. and Rauh, C. The value of sick pay, European Economic Review (2023)
Adams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M. and Rauh, C. Perceived returns to job search, Labour Economics (2023)

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Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Colicev, A., Hoste, J., Konings, J. The Impact of a Large Depreciation on the Cost of Living of Rich and Poor Consumers, CWPE2430 (2024)
Ayyar, S., Bolt, U., French, E., O’Dea, C. Imagine your Life at 25: Gender Conformity and Later-Life Outcomes, CWPE2422 (2024)
Diakonova, M., Molina, L., Mueller, H., Pérez, J. J., Rauh, C. The Information Content of Conflict, Social Unrest and Policy Uncertainty Measures for Macroeconomic Forecasting, CWPE2418 (2024)
Crowley, M. A., Han, L., Son, M. The Swift Decline of the British Pound: Evidence from UK Trade-invoicing after the Brexit Vote, CWPE2413 (2024)
Michalopoulos, S., Rauh, C. Movies, CWPE2412 (2024)
Newbery, D., Biggar, D. Marginal curtailment of wind and solar PV: transmission constraints, pricing and access regimes for efficient investment, CWPE2405 (2024)
Mueller, H., Rauh, C., Seimon, B. Introducing a Global Dataset on Conflict Forecasts and News Topics, CWPE2404 (2024)
Iyer, S., Larcom, S., She, P-W. Do Religious People Cope Better in a Crisis? Evidence from the UK Pandemic Lockdowns, CWPE2403 (2024)

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Authored Books

Iyer, S. The Economics of Religion in India, (2018), Harvard University Press
Iyer, S. Demography and Religion in India, (2002), Oxford University Press

Chapter in Book

Bahal, G., Chandra, U., Iyer, S. and Shrivastava, A. Religion and Employment in India, (2024), forthcoming in Studies in Religion and the Everyday. Edited by Farhana Ibrahim - Oxford University Press
Iyer, S. and Rosso, G. Religion and Mental Health, (2022), forthcoming in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Edited by Klaus Zimmermann - Springer
Iyer, S. The Economics of Religion in Developing Countries, (2020), forthcoming in Religion and Flourishing. Edited by A. Cohen - Baylor University Press
Iyer, S. Religion and Demography, (2019), forthcoming in Advances in the Economics of Religion. Edited by J-P Carvalho, Sriya Iyer, J Rubin - Palgrave Macmillan
Aidt, T.S. Corruption, (2018), forthcoming in Oxford handbook of public choice. Edited by Roger Congleton, Stefan Voigt - Oxford University Press
Aidt, T.S. and Leon, G. The coup: competition for office in authoritarian regimes, (2018), forthcoming in Oxford handbook of public choice. Edited by Roger Congleton, Stefan Voigt - Oxford University Press
Iyer, S. Religion and Institutions, (2018), forthcoming in A Research Agenda for the New institutional Economics. Edited by Claude Menard, Mary Shirley - Edward Elgar Publishers
Bown, C. P. and Crowley, M. A. The empirical landscape of trade policy, (2016), forthcoming in Handbook of commercial policy, Volume 1. Edited by Kyle Bagwell, Robert Staiger - Elsevier
Aidt, T. S. Political economy of instrument choice, (2013), forthcoming in Encyclopedia of energy, natural resource, and environmental economics. Edited by Jason Shogren - Elsevier Science
Iyer, S., Joshi, S. and Do, Q. Why marry a cousin? Insights from Bangladesh, (2013), forthcoming in Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World. Edited by Ravinder Kaur, Rajni Parliwala - Orient Blackswan
Crowley, M. A. Why are safeguards needed in a trade agreement?, (2010), forthcoming in Law and econmics of contingent protection in international trade. Edited by George Bermann, Petros Mavroidis, Kyle Bagwell - Cambridge University Press
Iyer, S. Gender, religion, and the age at marriage in India, (2009), forthcoming in Gender and Discrimination: Health, Nutritional Status and Role of Women in India. Edited by M Pal, P Bharati, B Ghosh, T - Oxford University Press
Iyer, S. Religion and economic development, (2008), forthcoming in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition. Edited by S Durlauf, L Blume - Palgrave Macmillan

Chapter in Book

eds. Carvalho, J-P, Iyer, S. and Rubin, J. Advances in the Economics of Religion, (2019) - Palgrave Macmillan
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Empirical Microeconomics Research Group

There are currently no Seminars scheduled

Recent Publications

Carneiro, P., Liu, K. and Salvanes, K. G. The Supply of Skill and Endogenous Technical Change: Evidence from a College Expansion Reform Journal of the European Economic Association [2023]

Colicev, A., Hoste, J. and Konings, J. The Impact of a Large Depreciation on the Cost of Living of Rich and Poor Consumers International Economic Review, accepted [2024]

Selected CWPE


Retirement Policy in a Post-Covid World, Arapakis, K., French, E.


Self-Confidence and Motivated Memory Loss: Evidence from Schools, Roy-Chowdhury, V.


High renewable electricity penetration: marginal curtailment and market failure under “s..., Newbery, D.