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Research Interests

Macroeconomics, Growth, Economic Development.


Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research expertise is Macroeconomics, Economic Growth and Development. His research has appeared in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Economic Statistics, European Economic Review and the Journal of the European Economic Association. He is currently the managing editor of the BE Journal in Macroeconomics.

Recent Publications

Published Papers

Ajzenman, N., Cavalcanti, T. and Da Mata, D More than Words: Leaders' Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol 15 no. 3 (2023)
Brotherhood, l., Cavalcanti, T., Da Mata, D. and Santos, C. Slums and Pandemics, Journal of Development Economics, vol 157 (2022)
Cavalcanti, T. and Santos, M. (Mis)Allocation Effects of an Overpaid Public Sector, Journal of the European Economic Association no. jvaa038 (2020)
Cavalcanti, T., Kocharkov, G. and Santos, C. Family Planning and Development: Aggregate Effects of Contraceptive Use, The Economic Journal (2020)
Cavalcanti, T., Da Mata, D. and, Toscani, F. Winning The Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth, Journal of Economic Growth (2019) pp. 1–37

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Cavalcanti, T., Mohaddes, K., Nian, H., Yin, H. Air Pollution and Firm-Level Human Capital, Knowledge and Innovation, (2023) CWPE2301
Cavalcanti, T., Iyer, S., Rauh, C., Roerig, C. and Vaziri, M. A City of God: Afterlife Beliefs and Job Support in Brazil, (2022) CWPE2268
Cavalcanti, T., Hasna, Z. and Santos, C. Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Aggregate and Distributional Effects, (2021) CWPE2122
Brotherhood, L., Cavalcanti, T., Da Mata, D. and Santos, C. Slums and Pandemics, (2020) CWPE2076
Ajzenman, N., Cavalcanti, T. and Da Mata, D. More than Words: Leaders' Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic, (2020) CWPE2034

Chapter in Book

Calvacanti, T.V.D and Jalles, J.T. Oil shocks in Brazil and in the United States, (2010) in the book: Energy, bio fuels and development: comparing Brazil and the United States - Routledge
Cavalcanti, T.V.D, Guimaraes, J. F. and Nogueira, J. R. Is there any difference in well-being between American and Brazilian college students?, (2010) in the book: Economic development in Latin America: essays in honor of Werner Baer - Palgrave Macmillan

Research Activities

Cambridge Economics Alumni Webinar Series: Investment in a changing world
In this webinar, Professor Tiago Cavalcanti outlined the importance of understanding the economic impact of climate change mitigation policies for adoption of such policies that reduce emissions and transition a country towards a low-carbon future. Then, Professor Chryssi Giannitsarou discussed the link between the rise in cross-country stock market correlations and the increase in foreign direct investments across the world.
Published on - Wednesday 23rd March 2022

What is ‘the Cambridge difference’ in teaching economics?
Professor Tiago Cavalcanti explains what matters is studying economic problems and their issues, plus additional training in political philosophy.
Published on - Thursday 10th February 2022

Dispersion in Financing Costs and Development
Professor Tiago Cavalcanti was a plenary speaker for the IV Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network, in Alicante (Spain).
Published on - Monday 11th October 2021

Climate-Macroeconomics Mini Conference
Cambridge-INET, the Centre for Macroeconomics and the Cambridge Faculty of Economics are holding a Mini Conference on the "Climate-Macroeconomics". It will take place on Tuesday 4th May 2021, 3:00pm-6:15pm BST (UK) and will be held online. See the event page for more details.
Published on - Friday 16th April 2021

US GDP Drop Following Paris Accord is at Most 0.6%
The United States plans to rejoin the Paris climate accord. Faculty academics have examined what this means for the US economy & GDP. They suggest a carbon tax of 32.3% is needed for US to achieve its original Paris pledge, which might cause US GDP to fall up to 0.6%.
Published on - Friday 22nd January 2021

Research Grants

Rebuilding Macroeconomics (National Institute for Economic & Social Research (NIESR))

Keynes Fund Sponsored Projects

Cavalcanti, T.V.D, Credit Policies, Entrepreneurship and Development: Theory and Empirical Evidence on Brazil (JHLA)
Cavalcanti, T.V.D, Oil, Growth and Misallocation: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment and Establishments Level Data (JHLO)
Cavalcanti, T.V.D, Gray Zones: On the Causes and Consequences of Slums (JHOB)
Iyer, S., Cavalcanti, T. V. D. and Rauh, C., How Important are Religious Organisations as Insurance? (JHOT)
Cavalcanti, T.V.D and Santos, C., Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Distributional and Allocative Effects (JHOV)
Mohaddes, K., Cavalcanti, T. V. D. and Da Mata, D., Climate Volatility, Weather Shocks and Economic Growth: Within-Country Evidence from Brazil (JHUD)
Cavalcanti, T.V.D and Mookherjee, D., Endogenous Segregation (JHUF)
Cavalcanti, T., Loan Interest Rate Dispersion and Consumption Smoothing (JHVR)
Cavalcanti, T. and Mohaddes, K., The Investment Channel of Monetary Policy during the Net-Zero Transition (JHVU)
Aidt, T., Cavalcanti, T. and Rauh, C., The Political Economy of Forest Loss (JHWC)
Cavalcanti, T. and Santos, C., Structural Transformation and Net Zero Transition (JHWX)

COVID-19 Economic Research

Special Feature: Do Leaders' Words and Example Affect Citizens' Risky Behaviour During the Pandemic?

Press Articles

Interview to BBC on Bolsa Família

VoxEU analysis on The Output Costs of Gender Discrimination

Opinion Articles:

Será o fim do capitalismo? Nordeste Econômico, Maio 2009, Recife-PE, Brazil

Lucro dos bancos, Jornal do Comércio, March 2008, Recife-PE, Brazil

E se a conjuntura mundial fosse pior..., Nordeste Econômico, July 2007, Recife-PE, Brazil

As Universidades Públicas, Jornal do Comércio, January 2006, Recife-PE, Brazil


PIIB Paper 2 - Economic Growth
PIIB Paper 6 - Michaelmas - Credit and Banking
PIIB Paper 6 - Lent - Credit and Financial Development
MPhil E200 - Macroeconomics
MPhil R200 - Advanced Macroeconomics

PhD Students


Balduin Bippus
PhD Title: International Finance
Research: Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy and International Economics
Kilian Kamkar
PhD Title:
Research: Environmental Economics, Development and Growth
Razan Amine
PhD Title:
Research: Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics, Firms, Labor
Ho-Yung Antonia Tsang
PhD Title:
Research: Consumer Finance, International Finance and Monetary Economics
Felipe Puccioni
Affiliation: Centre of Development Studies (CDS)
PhD Title: How does federalism affect education and economic development?

Professor Tiago Cavalcanti

Professor of Economics

Research Group:

CV: Curriculum Vitae

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Contact Details
Room: 23