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Research Interests

In historical perspective, long cycles; business cycles; trade policy; exchange rate regimes and economic performance; weather and sectoral fluctuations

Recent Publications

Published Papers

Solomou, S. and Thomas, R. Updated Estimates of UK GDP from the Income Side, 1841–1920, (2022) The Economic History Review
Lennard, J., Meinecke, F. and Solomou, S. Measuring Inflation Expectations in Interwar Britain, (2022) The Economic History Review
Lloyd, S.P. and Solomou, S. The impact of the 1932 General Tariff: a difference-in-difference approach, (2019) Cliometrica
da Rocha, B.T. and Solomou, S.N. The effects of systemic banking crises in the inter-war period, (2015) Journal of International Money and Finance
Ristuccia, C. A. and Solomou, S. Can general purpose technology theory explain economic growth? Electrical power as a case study, (2014) European Review of Economic History

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Chadha, J. S., Lennard, J., Solomou, S., Thomas, R. Exchange Rates, Tariffs and Prices in 1930s’ Britain, (2023) CWPE2319
Lloyd, S. and Solomou, S. The Impact of the 1932 General Tariff: A Difference-in-Difference Approach, (2019) CWPE1940
Rocha, B. and Solomou, S. The Effects of Systemic Banking Crises in the Inter-War Period, (2015) CWPE1503
Ristuccia, C. A. and Solomou, S. Can general purpose technology theory explain economic growth? Electrical Power as a case study, (2014) CWPE1404
Mitchell, J., Solomou, S. and Weale, M. Monthly GDP Estimates for Inter-War Britain, (2011) CWPE1155

Recent Activities

Financial Crises: Lessons from History - Publication Date: 2015-04-28
A Symposium in Economics and History with Michael Bordo, Barry Eichengreen and Solomus Solomou. Held at Trinity College on 7th May, 2.00pm - 5.00pm

Research Grants

An Evaluation Of Schedule D Tax Returns For British National Accounts And The Performance Of The Service Sector In Late C19th Britain (Nuffield Foundation)
Episodic Growth Since 1850 (Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC))

Keynes Fund Sponsored Projects

Solomou, S., Real Financial Linkages and Start-Stop Phases of Economic Growth (JHLG)
Solomou, S., Credit Cycles Since 1870 (JHOG)
Solomou, S., The Economic Effects El Niño since 1870 (JHWZ)


PI Paper 5 - British Interwar Economic History
PIIB Paper 14 - World Depression in the Inter-War Period: Comparative Themes

PhD Students

Professor Solomos Solomou

Professor of Economics & Economic History

Research Group:
Economic History

CV: Curriculum Vitae

Contact Details
Room: 26
Office Hours: By appointment
College: Fellow of Peterhouse