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Title Authors Publisher Year
Networks: An Economics ApproachGoyal, S.MIT Press[2023]
The Nature of Social Reality: Issues in Social OntologyLawson, T.Routledge[2019]
Time and the Generation: Population Ethics for a Diminishing PlanetDasgupta, P.Columbia University Press[2019]
The Sex Factor: How Women Made the West RichBateman, V. N.Polity Press[2019]
The European Guilds: An Economic AnalysisOgilvie, S.Princeton University Press[2019]
The Models and Methods of Financial EconometricsLinton, O.Cambridge University Press[2019]
The Economics of Religion in IndiaIyer, S.Harvard University Press[2018]
Technology and IsolationLawson, C.Cambridge University Press[2017]
Probability, Statistics and EconometricsLinton, O.Science Direct[2017]
Markets and growth in early modern EuropeBateman, V. N.Routledge[2016]
Cities and the urban land premiumde Groot, H.L.F, Marlet, G., Teulings, C. and Vermeulen, W.Edward Elgar[2015]
The Nature and State of Modern EconomicsLawson, T.Routledge[2015]
A new start for the Eurozone: dealing with debtGiancarlo, C., Feld, L.P., Lane, P.R., Reichlin, LCEPR[2015]
Economics : the user guideChang, H.J.Penguin[2014]
Dynamic models for Volatility and Heavy TailsHarvey, A. C.Cambridge University Press[2013]
Behavioural economics and financeBaddeley, M.Routledge[2013]
23 things they don't tell you about capitalismChang, H.J.Penguin[2011]
Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800Ogilvie, S.Cambridge University Press[2011]
Selected papers of Partha Dasgupta: Volume I and IIDasgupta, P.Oxford University Press[2010]
Time series econometrics using Microfit 5.0: a user's manualPesaran, B. and Pesaran, M.H.Oxford University Press[2010]
Reorienting EconomicsLawson, T.Routledge[2003]
A Bitter Living: Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern GermanyOgilvie, S.Oxford University Press[2003]
Demography and Religion in IndiaIyer, S.Oxford University Press[2002]
Economics and RealityLawson, T.Routledge[1997]

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Huffman, D., Raymond, C. and Shvets, J. Persistent Overconfidence and Biased Memory: Evidence from Managers American Economic Review [2022]

Merrick Li, Z. and Linton, O. A ReMeDI for Microstructure Noise Econometrica [2022]

Rauh, C. and Valladares-Esteban, A. On the Black-White Gaps in Labor Supply and Earnings over the Lifecycle in the US Review of Economic Dynamics [2023]

Chen, J., Elliott, M. and Koh, A. Capability Accumulation and Conglomeratization in the Information Age Journal of Economic Theory [2023]