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Faculty of Economics

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Aidt, T.S., Castro, V. and Martins, R.

Shades of red and blue: government ideology and sustainable development

Public Choice

Vol. 175(3-4) pp. 1-21 (2018)

Abstract: We study the effect of government ideology on sustainable development, measured as investment in genuine wealth, in a dynamic panel of 79 countries between 1981 and 2013. We find robust and statistically significant evidence that genuine investment grows faster under right-wing governments than under left-wing or center governments. In contrast, we find no indication of opportunistic cycles.

Keywords: Sustainable development, Government ideology, Political cycles, Genuine investment

JEL Codes: C23, D72, I31, O15

Author links: Toke Aidt  

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Cambridge Working Paper in Economics Version of Paper: Shades of red and blue: Political ideology and sustainable development, Aidt, T. S., Castro, V. and Martins, R., (2016)

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