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Faculty of Economics

Journal Cover

Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M.

Covid-19 Fiscal Support and its Effectiveness

Economics Letters

Vol. 205 no. 109939 pp. 1-5 (2021)

Abstract: This paper uses a threshold-augmented Global VAR model to quantify the macroeconomic effects of countries’ discretionary fiscal actions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its fallout. Our results are threefold: (1) fiscal policy is playing a key role in mitigating the effects of the pandemic; (2) all else equal, countries that implemented larger fiscal support are expected to experience less output contractions; (3) emerging markets are also benefiting from the synchronized fiscal actions globally through the spillover channel and reduced financial market volatility.

Keywords: TGVAR, Covid-19, Threshold effects, Fiscal policy

JEL Codes: C32, E44, E62, F44

Author links: Kamiar Mohaddes  

Publisher's Link:

Cambridge Working Paper in Economics Version of Paper: A Counterfactual Economic Analysis of Covid-19 Using a Threshold Augmented Multi-Country Model, Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, M. H., Raissi, M. and Rebucci, A., (2020)

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