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Faculty of Economics


Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook: General

Title AuthorsYearJEL Codes
Monetary Policy and Heterogeneity: An Analytical FrameworkBilbiie, F. O.[2024]E21 E31 E40 E44 E50 E52 E58 E60 E62
Aggregate-Demand Amplification of Supply Disruptions: The Entry-Exit MultiplierBilbiie, F. O., Melitz, M. J.[2023]E30 E40 E50 E60
Long-Run Debt Ratios with Fiscal FatigueRobertson, D. and Tambakis, D.[2016]E60 H00 H60
The Effects of Systemic Banking Crises in the Inter-War PeriodRocha, B. and Solomou, S.[2015]E60 N00 N20 G01
Fiscal Policy in an Unemployment CrisisRendahl, P.[2014]E24 E60 E62 H12 H30 J23 J64

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