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Faculty of Economics

Title Authors Journal Year
Cooperation and Punishment Mechanisms in Uncertain and Dynamic Social Networks Gallo, E., Riyanto, Y. E., Roy, N. and Teh, T-HGames and Economic Behavior[2022]
Updated Estimates of UK GDP from the Income Side, 1841–1920Solomou, S. and Thomas, R.The Economic History Review[2022]
Informative Social InteractionsArrondel, L., Calvo-Pardo, H., Giannitsarou, C. and Haliassos, M.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization[2022]
Social media enables people-centric climate action in the hard-to-decarbonise building sectorDebnath, R., Bardhan, R., Shah, D. U., Mohaddes, K., Ramage, M H., Alvarez, R. M. and Sovacool, B. K.Scientific Reports[2022]
Climate Change and Economic Activity: Evidence from U.S. States Mohaddes, K., Ng, R. N. C., Pesaran, M. H., Raissi, M. and Yang, J-C. Oxford Open Economics, accepted[2022]
Experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan leads to a lasting increase in social distancingBarak, D., Gallo, E., Rong, K., Tang, K. and Du, W.Scientific Reports[2022]
The Impact of Corporate QE on Liquidity: Evidence from the UKBoneva, L., Elliott, D., Kaminska, I., Linton, O., McLaren, N. and Morley, B.The Economic Journal[2022]
Persistent Overconfidence and Biased Memory: Evidence from ManagersHuffman, D., Raymond, C. and Shvets, J.American Economic Review[2022]
Effectiveness of medical treatment for bipolar disorder regarding suicide, self-harm and psychiatric hospital admission: between- and within-individual study on Danish national dataFitzgerald, C., Christensen, R. H. B., Simons, J., Andersen, P. K., Benros, M. E., Nordentoft, M., Erlangsen, A. and Hawton, K.The British Journal of Psychiatry[2022]
Measuring Inflation Expectations in Interwar BritainLennard, J., Meinecke, F. and Solomou, S.The Economic History Review[2022]
Two Conceptions of the Nature of Money: Clarifying Differences Between MMT and Money Theories Sponsored by Social Positioning TheoryLawson, T.Real-World Economics Review[2022]
Franchise extension and fiscal structure in the United Kingdom 1820-1913: A new test of the Redistribution HypothesisAidt, T. S., Winer, S. L. and Zhang, P.Cliometrica[2022]
Review of Forging the Franchise: The Political Origins of the Women's VoteAidt, T. S.Journal of Economic Literature[2022]
Cross-Country Stock Market Comovement: A Macro PerspectiveAnagnostopoulos, A., Atesagaoglu, O. E., Faraglia, E. and Giannitsarou, C.Journal of Monetary Economics[2022]
How to measure parenting styles?Rauh, C. and Renée, L. Review of the Economics of the Household[2022]
Supply Network Formation and FragilityElliott, M., Golub, B. and Leduc, M. V. American Economic Review[2022]
The Human Side of Structural TransformationPorzio, T., Rossi, F. and Santangelo, G.American Economic Review[2022]
Rather Doomed than Uncertain: Risk Attitudes and Transmissive Behavior Under Asymptomatic InfectionMatthies, K. and Toxvaerd, F.M.O. Economic Theory, accepted[2022]
Global Carbon Price AsymmetryRitz, R.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management[2022]
The Hard Problem of Prediction for Conflict PreventionMueller, H. and Rauh, C. Journal of the European Economic Association[2022]
On the Management of Population ImmunityToxvaerd, F.M.O. and Rowthorn, R. Journal of Economic Theory[2022]
Social Distancing and Supply Disruptions in a PandemicBodenstein, M., Corsetti G. and Guerrieri, L. Quantitative Economics[2022]
Slums and PandemicsBrotherhood, l., Cavalcanti, T., Da Mata, D. and Santos, C. Journal of Development Economics[2022]
Challenges of Integrating Economics into Epidemiological Analysis of and Policy Responses to Emerging Infectious DiseasesDangerfield, C., Fenichel, E. P., Finnoff, D., Hanley, N., Heape, S. H., Shogren, J. F. and Toxvaerd, F. Epidemics, forthcoming[2022]
Incorporating Stock Market Signals for Twitter Stance DetectionConforti, C., Berndt, J., Pilehvar, M. T., Giannitsarou, C., Toxvaerd, F. and Collier, N.Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)[2022]
Using Past Violence and Current News to Predict Changes in ViolenceMueller, H. and Rauh, C. International Interactions[2022]
Social Proximity to Capital: Implications for Investors and FirmsKuchler, T., Li, Y., Peng, L., Stroebel, J. and Zhou, D.Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming[2022]
Retail Attention, Institutional AttentionLiu, H., Peng, L. Tang, T.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming[2022]
Social Networks, Trading, and LiquidityPeng, L., Wang, Q. and Zhou, D.The Journal of Portfolio Management Market Microstructure[2022]
Face Value: Trait Impressions, Performance Characteristics, and Market Outcomes for Financial AnalystsPeng, L., Teoh, S. H., Wang, Y., Yan, J.Journal of Accounting Research[2022]
The Imperium of the Colonial Tongue? Evidence on Language Policy Preferences in ZambiaRamachandran, R. and Rauh, C. Journal of African Economies[2022]
Religion and Discrimination: A Review Essay of Persecution and Toleration: The Long Road to Religious FreedomIyer, S.Journal of Economic Literature[2022]
Invoicing and the Dynamics of Pricing-to-Market: Evidence from UK Export Prices around the Brexit ReferendumCorsetti, G., Crowley, M. A. and Han, L. Journal of International Economics[2022]
Score-Driven Time Series ModelsHarvey, A. C.Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application[2022]
Linking Executive Compensation to Climate PerformanceRitz, R.California Management Review[2022]
The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Mental Health: Evidence from the United StatesAdams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M. and Rauh, C.Economic Policy[2022]
How production networks amplify economic growthMcNerney, J., Savoie, C., Caravelli, F., Carvalho, V. M., Farmer, J. D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences[2022]
The Social Dynamics of Collective Action: Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing RiotsAidt, T. S., Leon, G. and Max SatchellThe Journal of Politics[2022]
Non-Linearities, State-Dependent Prices and the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary PolicyAscari, G. and Haber, T.The Economic Journal[2022]
Work Tasks That Can Be Done From Home: Evidence on Variation Within and Across Occupations and IndustriesAdams-Prassl, A., Boneva, T., Golin, M. and Rauh, C.Labour Economics[2022]
Social Positioning TheoryLawson, T.Cambridge Journal of Economics[2022]
The Interaction of Structural Factors and Diffusion in Social Unrest: Evidence from the Swing RiotsAidt, T. S. and Leon, G.British Journal of Political Science[2022]
A ReMeDI for Microstructure NoiseMerrick Li, Z. and Linton, O.Econometrica[2022]

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Bhattacharya, D., Dupas, P. and Kanaya, S. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions Review of Economic Studies [2023]

Porzio, T., Rossi, F. and Santangelo, G. The Human Side of Structural Transformation American Economic Review [2022]

Bhattacharya, D. Nonparametric Approaches to Empirical Welfare Analysis Journal of Economic Literature [2024]

Gallo, E. and Yan, C. Efficiency and Equilibrium in Network Games: An Experiment Review of Economics and Statistics [2023]