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Title Authors Journal Year
US - Stainless Steel (Mexico)World Trade Review[2010]
New evidence on taxes and portfolio choiceAlan, S., Atalay, K., Crossley, T. F. and Jeon, S.Journal of Public Economics[2010]
Estimating intertemporal allocation parameters using synthetic residual estimationAlan, S. and Browning, M. Review of Economic Studies[2010]
No association between Oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene polymorphisms and experimentally elicited social preferencesApicella, C. L., Cesarini, D., Johannesson, M., Dawes, C. T., Lichtenstein, P., Wallace, B., Beauchamp, J. and Westber, L.PLoS ONE[2010]
Herding, social influence and economic decision-making: socio-psychological and neuroscientific analysesBaddeley, M.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences[2010]
Rational Partisan Theory, Uncertainty, and Spatial Voting: Evidence for the Bank of England's MPCBhattacharjee, A. and Holly, S. Economics and Politics[2010]
The annual wage review of the minimum wage panel of fair work AustraliaBrown, W.A. Australian Bulletin of Labour[2010]
Neural mechanisms of observational learningBurke, C.J., Tobler, P. N., Baddeley, M. and Schultz, W., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America[2010]
Striatal BOLD response reflects the impact of herd information on financial decisionsBurke, C. J., Tobler, P. N., Schultz, W. and Baddeley M, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience[2010]
Cash transfers and the labor marketCavalcanti, T. V. D., and Correa, M. Revista Brasileira de Economia[2010]
Barriers to skill acquisition in Brazil: public and private school students performance in a public university entry examCavalcanti, T. V. D., Guimaraes, J. and Sampaio, B. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance[2010]
Genetic variation in financial decision-makingCesarini, D., Johannesson, M., Lichtenstein, P., Sandewall, Ö. and Wallace, B.Journal of Finance[2010]
A Modern Reconsideration of the Theory of Optimum Currency AreasCorsetti, G.The Euro: The first decade[2010]
Optimal Monetary Policy and the Sources of Local-Currency Price StabilityCorsetti G, Dedola L, Leduc S, International dimensions of monetary policy[2010]
Debt consolidation and fiscal stabilization of deep recessionsCorsetti, G., Kuester, K., Meier, A. and Müller, G.J. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings[2010]
Cross-border spillovers from fiscal stimulusCorsetti, G., Meier, A. and Muller, G. J. International Journal of Central Banking[2010]
Government spending composition, technical change, and wage inequalityCozzi, G. and Impullitti, G.Journal of the European Economic Association[2010]
The common-scaling social cost-of-living indexCrossley, T. F. and Pendakur, K. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics[2010]
Nature's role in sustainable economic developmentDasgupta, P.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B[2010]
Natural WealthDasgupta, P.Anglican Theological Review[2010]
20th Anniversary of EAERE: The European Association of Environmental and Resource EconomistsDasgupta, P.Environmental and Resource Economics[2010]
Evaluating value-at-risk models via quantile regressionGaglianone, W. P., Lima, L. R., Linton, O. and Smith, D. R. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics[2010]
Efficient estimation of a multivariate multiplicative volatility modelHafner, C.M. and Linton, O.Journal of Econometrics[2010]
The local quadratic trend modelHarvey, A. C.Journal of Forecasting[2010]
Tests of strict stationarity based on quantile indicatorsHarvey, A. C. and Busetti, F.Journal of Time Series Analysis[2010]
The fault line between Keynes and the Cambridge Keynesians: A review essayHayes, M. G. Review of Political Economy[2010]
A spatio-temporal model of house prices in the USAHolly, S., Pesaran, M. H. and Yamagata, T.Journal of Econometrics[2010]
The supply function equilibrium and its policy implications for wholesale electricity auctionsHolmberg, P. and Newbery, D. M.Utilities Policy[2010]
International competition and U.S. R&D subsidies: A quantitative welfare analysisImpullitti, G. International Economic Review[2010]
Identification and nonparametric estimation of a transformed additively separable modelJacho-Chavez, D., Lewbel, A. and Linton, O.Journal of Econometrics[2010]
On internally corrected and symmetrized kernel estimators for nonparametric regressionLinton, O. and Jacho-Chavez, D.TEST[2010]
Uniform Bahadur representation for local polynomial estimates of M-regression and its application to the additive modelKong, E., Linton, O. and Xia, Y. Econometric Theory[2010]
Economics and scienceLawson, T. The Transatlantic Journal of Economics and Philosophy[2010]
Estimation for a nonstationary semi-strong Garch(1,1) model with heavy-tailed errorsLinton, O., Pan, J. and Wang, H. Econometric Theory[2010]
An improved bootstrap test of stochastic dominanceLinton, O., Song, K. and Whang, Y. Journal of Econometrics[2010]
Nun apothecaries and the impact of the secularisation in Southwest GermanyMaegraith, C.J. Continuity and Change[2010]
Market design for a large share of wind powerNewbery, D. M. Energy Policy[2010]
Determining the number of factors from empirical distribution of eigenvaluesOnatski, A. Review of Economics and Statistics[2010]
Technology and the extension of human capabilitiesLawson, C.Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour[2010]
Conditional volatility and correlations of weekly returns and the VAR analysis of 2008 stock market crashPesaran, B. and Pesaran M.H. Economic Modelling[2010]
Econometric analysis of high dimensional VARs featuring a dominant unitPesaran, M.H. and Chudik, A. European Central Bank Working Papers[2010]
How to share our risks efficiently? principles for optimal social insurance and pension provision.Teulings, C.N.De Economist[2010]
Expert cognitive control and individual differences associated with frontal and parietal white matter microstructureRoberts, R.E., Anderson, E.J. and Husain, M. The Journal of Neuroscience[2010]
Kauffrauen in der NiederlVan den Heuvel DWA, Praktiken des Handels: Gesch[2010]
Huishoudens, werk en consumptieveranderingen in vroegmodern Holland. Het voorbeeld van de koffie- en theeverkopers in achttiende-eeuws LeidenVan den Heuvel DWA, Van Nederveen Meerkerk E, Historisch Tijdschrift Holland[2010]
Empirical and policy performance of a forward-looking monetary modelOnatski, A. and Williams, N. Journal of Applied Econometrics[2010]
Green taxes: Refunding rules and lobbyingAidt, T. S. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 60(1): 31-43[2010]
The retrenchment hypothesis and the extension of the franchise in England and WalesAidt, T. S., Daunton, M., and Dutta, J.The Economic Journal[2010]
Do autocratic states trade lessAidt, T. S., and Gassebner, M.World Bank Economic Review[2010]
Cheap home goods and persistent inequalityAlexopoulos, J. and  Cavalcanti, T. V. D.Economic Theory [2010]
China's export growth and the China safeguard: threats to the world trading system?Crowley, M. A. and Bown, C. P.Canadian Journal of Economics[2010]
Split decisions in antidumping cases.Crowley, M. A. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy[2010]
Efficient assignment respecting prioritiesEhlers, L. and Erdil, A.Journal of Economic Theory[2010]
A new payment rule for core-selecting package auctionsErdil, A. and Klemperer, P.Journal of the European Economic Association[2010]
Monetary shocks in a model with skill lossEsteban-Pretel, J. and Faraglia, E.Journal of Money, Credit and Banking [2010]
In search of a theory of debt managementFaraglia, E.,  Marcet, A. and Scott, A.Journal of Monetary Economics[2010]
The law of the fewGaleotti, A. , Goyal, S.American Economic Review[2010]
Network gamesGaleotti, A. , Goyal, S. Jackson, M. O. , Vega-Redondo, F. and Yariv, L.Review of Economic Studies[2010]
Matching and network effectsFafchamps, M., van der Leij, M. J. and Goyal, S.Journal of the European Economic Association[2010]
Keeping up with the neighbors: social interaction in a market economyGhiglino, C. and Goyal, S.Journal of the European Economic Association[2010]
Games with exhaustible resourcesHarris, C., Howison, S. and Sircar, R.SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics[2010]
Tracking a changing copulaHarvey, A. C.Journal of Empirical Finance[2010]
Macroeconomic models and the yield curve: An assessment of the fitChadha, J. S. and Holly, S.Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control[2010]
House prices and risk sharingHryshko, D., Luengo-Prado, M. J. and Sørensen, B.Journal of Monetary Economics[2010]
Measurement error in education and growth regressions.Portela, M., Alessie, R.J.M. and Teulings, C.N.The Scandinavian Journal of Economics[2010]
Marriage and the city: search frictions and sorting of singles.Gautier, P.A., Svarer, M. and Teulings, C.N.Journal of Urban Economics[2010]
Wage risk and employment risk over the life cycleLow, H. W., Meghir, C. and Pistaferri, L.American Economic Review[2010]
Matching in informal financial institutionsEeckhout, J. and Munshi, K. Journal of the European Economic Association[2010]
Consumption, social capital, and the "industrious revolution" in early modern GermanyOgilvie, S.Journal of Economic History [2010]
Solving the incomplete markets model with aggregate uncertainty using explicit aggregationDen Haan, W. J. and Rendahl, P.Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control [2010]
Unemployment and real wages in the Great DepressionSolomou, S. N. and Weale, M.National Institute Economic Review[2010]
Theorising technologyFaulkner, P., Lawson, C. and Runde, J.Cambridge Journal of Economics [2010]
On-the-job search, mismatch and efficiency.Gautier, P.A., Teulings, C.N. and van Vuuren, A.Review of Economic Studies[2010]
Barriers to Skill Acquisition in Brazil: Public and Private School Students Performance in a Public University Entrance ExamCavalcanti, T.V.D., Guimaraes, J. and Sampaio, B.The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance[2010]
What is Behind University Dropout Decision in Brazil? A bivariate Probability ModelGuimaraes, J., Sampaio, B. and Sampaio, Y.The Empirical Economics Letters[2010]

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Bhattacharya, D. and Shvets, J. Inferring Trade-Offs in University Admissions: Evidence from Cambridge Journal of Political Economy, accepted [2024]

Merrick Li, Z. and Linton, O. A ReMeDI for Microstructure Noise Econometrica [2022]

Colicev, A., Hoste, J. and Konings, J. The Impact of a Large Depreciation on the Cost of Living of Rich and Poor Consumers International Economic Review, accepted [2024]

Ajzenman, N., Cavalcanti, T. and Da Mata, D More than Words: Leaders' Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic American Economic Journal: Economic Policy [2023]