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Faculty of Economics

Monday, 2 October, 2017

Professor Kenneth Joseph Arrow (1921-2017), Founding Member, PASS

We are gathered here today in Casina Pio IV to remember and pay tribute to the memory of our dear friend and colleague, Kenneth Joseph Arrow, a Founding Member of PASS, who died on 21 February this year.

If you click onto Google and type "Kenneth Arrow", you will find many, many tributes to him, not just from economists, nor only from people who knew him. You will read that he made momentous discoveries that spanned economics, political science, sociology, and moral and political philosophy. If you continue to look, you will discover that he made significant contributions to operations research, in particular the stablility of certain dynamical systems. And if you look some more, you will read that his first publication, based on work done during the Second World War as a weather forecaster in the US Air Force, was on a problem in aeronautics (the path that should be taken by an aeroplane flying from A to B that, so as to conserve fuel, corrects for wind velocities).....

Read Prof. Dasgupta's Full Tribute