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Faculty of Economics

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 10 June, 2024

Professor Carvalho's research on how production networks amplify economic growth is cited in the Financial Times. Working with McNerney, Farmer and colleagues they used data from the World Input-Output Database to calculate the trophic levels of different industries in the US, China and other countries.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 3 June, 2024

The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine will be very important. As well as current challenges in its financial sector, it is important to understand the historical forces that shaped the country’s capital market.

The Faculty's Assistant Professor of Economics Alexander Rodnyansky has just published a brief history of Ukraine’s capital market on VoxEU:

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 18 April, 2024

A new column on VoxEU by the Faculty's Professor Sriya Iyer et al notes the potentially large welfare implications in a crisis between religion and psychological distress is sparse.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 18 January, 2024

The Faculty's Assistant Professor of Economics Alexander Rodnyansky has discussed at the World Economic Forum the issue of whether Ukraine is still open for business, and was live on the TV station France 24.

Keywords: Ukraine
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 16 January, 2024

Professor Chris Rauh has been interviewed by the video news channel Macro Hive, which provides global macroeconomic & financial market analysis.

In a wide ranging interview, he explains the hard problem of predicting conflicts and his research into using AI and news sources to predict future conflict zones.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 11 January, 2024

The Faculty's Assistant Professor of Economics Alexander Rodnyansky has been interviewed on Die Welt.

He is an economic adviser to Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, and discussed the economic situation in Ukraine, and the continuation of US aid to the attacked country.

Keywords: Ukraine