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Faculty of Economics

Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed for Cheddar News Network on Friday 23rd October 2020, where he discussed the reimplementation of lockdowns across Europe, due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and the global economic impact of this.

You can watch Dr. Toxvaerd's interview on the Cheddar website.

Dr. Toxvaerd was also interviewed for Sky News on Saturday 17th October 2020 and for LBC Breakfast with Andrew Castle on Sunday 18th October 2020, where he spoke about local lockdowns and his research into The Economics of Infection.

You can watch Dr Toxvaerd's Sky News interview below or on his youtube channel.

His research has also been picked up by CBS News, "As global COVID-19 infections pass 40 million, 2nd wave coronavirus restrictions more localized" and Harper's Bazaar, "Are gyms set to close? What could happen under the ‘three tier’ system".