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Faculty of Economics

Economics News | Published on Wednesday, 12 June, 2024

On a sunny morning in the Stone Room on the top floor of the Faculty, Melvyn and I took the opportunity to have a cup of tea, and take a step back from AI developments and look at the state of machine learning. After all, AI seemed to go mainstream in 2024, dominating news headlines, linkedIn feeds, and business conversations.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 16 January, 2024

Professor Chris Rauh has been interviewed by the video news channel Macro Hive, which provides global macroeconomic & financial market analysis.

In a wide ranging interview, he explains the hard problem of predicting conflicts and his research into using AI and news sources to predict future conflict zones.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 27 July, 2023

Research into forecasting conflict by Professor Christopher Rauh has been featured in the weekend edition of the National News. Conflict Forecast, a project that uses artificial intelligence to predict where outbreaks of violence will occur in the world, noticed a surge in discussion of military activity in Russian media in April.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 19 June, 2023

Professor Edoardo Gallo has been quoted in an article on the existential risk posed by AI in an article in El Pais.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 17 February, 2023

Christopher Rauh’s discussion paper published by the Centre for Economic Policy Research has been mentioned in an article by Reuters on the tough jobs market.