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Faculty of Economics

Thursday, 13 May, 2010

Phyllis Deane, Emeritus Professor of the Economics Faculty has been made the 2010 Distinguished Fellow of the History of Economics Society, USA.

Phyllis got her start in economics in the 1950s in the Department of Applied Economics. She took early retirement from the Faculty of Economics in 1982, having been awarded a personal Chair. Phyllis is a fellow of the British Academy and a past president of the Royal Economic Society. She was a pioneer economic historian and historian of economic thought, and also a very good applied economist. Phyllis is an honorary fellow of Newnham College.

The History of Economics Society bestows the honour of “Distinguished Fellow” on those who have contributed a lifetime of study to the history of economics. A list of distinguished fellows can be found here. Previous Cambridge holders of this Fellowship were Austin Robinson and Geoff Harcourt.